Biostation 8767 video

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Welcome 2018, happy new year to all my visitors on board The Windcatcher and to this my homepage (museletter blog). I have a new work for you, a video for a piece off Contemplating Buddha, Bio Station 8767. Enjoy, give it a like on Youtube and please share in social media.

Who did not love sci fi as a kid?, growing up in the early 70’s and 80’s with Captain Kirk, Obi Won Kenobi, Luke and Leah Skywalker, A Space Odyssey, Close Encounters of the Third Kind etc. Our expanding consciousness and imagination conjured up technologies that are now being realised  and places that, who knows one day we may discover?. I used to love reading sci fi as a child and hearing the distinct musical motifs that came from Alexander Courage and John Williams. But even beyond these screen composers there was a beauty in electronic and progressive music  Tangerine Dream and John Michelle Jarre, Rick Wakeman, that filled my third eye with amazing far off locations and fantasies aplenty. It is here the seeds of painting with sound were planted, long before I got to touch any instruments (and I still consider I can’t play anything really, I just muck around till it sounds good).

What I love about sci fi is the dreaming nature, it is all a product of creativity and visionary capacity. But the science element is always heavily emphasized and with it, the technological aspect of what we believe will be superior and revolutionary tec. I would love to see sci fi branch into deeper ethical questions and the realm of consciousness. Some movies do it, the sort that leave people scratching their hands because they just don’t know how to comprehend them, they are stretched, provoked, triggered into new synapses.

Music to me is the greatest revelation, it has the ability to create whole universe literally, and I often receive full movie concepts when I compose. So Bio Station 8767 is a modest attempt to at least capture, a wee bit of that. Enjoy and many blessings for 2018.

Expect more releases this year.

You can purchase Bio Station8767 at all digital outlets alone or as part of Contemplating Buddha album and direct from me at bandcamp here.

It contains the following samples for

S: tail 143.wav by Jovica | License: Attribution
S: Razor Blade Running2.wav by thatjeffcarter | License: Attribution
S: UFO Landing.WAV by waterboy920 | License: Creative Commons 0
S: Stasis Pod.wav by gcmax | License: Attribution
S: Bio Station.wav by gcmax | License: Attribution


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