Catherine Meeson is a multi-instrumentalist, electro and progressive psychedelic rock artist/indie producer (a 21st century techno bard). Vocally she has been likened to Chrissie Hynde, Annie Lennox, Kate Bush, Enya and Lisa Gerrard. Her music has been described as atmospheric, otherworldly, cosmic, trancy, ethereal, cinematic journey music, a mysterious ambiance, portal to another world and like a musical goddess. Common themes are life, love, suffering, existential matters, spirituality and myth with political leanings.
Catherine believes in the higher purpose of art as a form of social alchemy and transformation and is active teaching, mentoring, producing and facilitating arts for well-being. In 2019 Catherine returned to study Audio Engineering and Sound Production completing her studies with All Souls Lament late 2023.
The sound she brings with the latest ep is progressive psychedelic art rock.
Her greater body of artistic work can be found on her YouTube channel and website, including performance art, plays and her many characters. She has released 4 solo albums, singles, remixes and collaborations etc. Catherine is an advocate for music Industry mental health and well being. Recent releases include –
2020 Paradigms’ Remix of Melbourne dream pop duo The Safety Words track on L.E.M.O.M (Live electronic Musicians of Melbourne) blue album in 2020.
2020 Symbols in Sounds band project Covid anthem and music video ‘Think’ 2020
2020 Boat on a River’ the psychedelic rock journey song/ music video
2019 The Call of Oma electro orchestral concept album and performance in character at Lentil as Anything in Thornbury.
2019 By the Mandate of Heaven movie of the play By the Mandate of Heaven, released on Youtube on World Day of Social Justice.
2018 Mr Big Man a power punch punk inspired protest song about Adani Carmichael coal min released in 2018 as a single and on YouTube as music video
2017 I Am (song of the Earth) released 2017 single and music video
2016 ‘Contemplating Buddha’ – A 12 track album of ethereal wave, electro progressive folk rock and neo psychedelic songs and soundscapes released in March 2016. It received airplay around Australia via the AIRIT program and some International airplay on terrestrial and internet radio stations in the USA and England. It was given fantastic review on YEAHIKNOWITSUX music blog.
2014 ‘Atmospherica’ – 11 track album of songs and instrumental soundscapes in electro acoustic mode. Featured on 3PBS Art of Bleep and other shows, Radio Adelaide Out of this World , 97.9fm Living in the Land of Oz, and 3RRR.
2014 ‘Oriental Temple Gardens Complex’– Honours Soundscape work inspired by acoustic ecology, music therapeutics, interfaith perspectives, ancient philosophy, sound studies and Ethnomusicology. Awarded the ‘Most Outstanding Arts Honours Award’ for 2013 by Victoria University. Featured on The Art of Bleep on 3PBS fm with Evan Carr.
2010 ‘Revolution Complete’– by Avatara and the Eternal Presence Orchestra (project name) mostly electronic instrumental album of ten tracks, available at Bandcamp and via the artist. Radio Adelaide’s Steve Sokvari in ‘Out of This world’ said, “It sent me back to a time, a long time ago, when enlightenment was everything”.
Catherine performs highly ritualistic, sacred performance art works that honour the faces of the divine feminine, the earth and all our relations. As an archetypal alchemist she feels it her sacred duty to be a vessel for symbolic and mythic transmission and acts of social, environmental, political and spiritual intention. Interactivity and intimacy is a core feature of her presentations as artist and audience journey together into the numinous, veil between the worlds in the living movie that is life.
Events include her performance as Beggar Woman in Beggar Woman Wails for the World of Women click link) at Embracing Spirits mixed arts event ‘The Goddess Within’, which was a fundraiser for the Art2Healing Project art therapy/rehabilitation program to assist victims of sex trafficking. She has also performed as Grace guardian of the Grail in Grace and the Grail at Acts of Love which was a fundraiser for the St Kilda Gatehouse and organisation that also helps women who are recovering from street sex work.
She has made a site specific performance art movie Beggar Woman Walks by the Waters and recently hosted her own original one women devised play By The Mandate of Heaven as two characters the female Boddhisattva and the male Minister from the Imperial courts of Weights and Measures to raise funds for Earth Laws Alliance Australia’s first Rights of Nature conference. It was a play exploring our relationship with and to the natural world (Eco-mythic, spiritually oriented) and specifically reflecting on the Industrial era and nuclear technologies, taking us into some deep territories and then out the other end, to empowerment and change. This work was made into a movie and released in 2019 (click link above).
Out of the play By the Mandate of Heaven was birthed Oma, the ancient clan mother of the north, central character for I Am (Song of The Earth) from The Call of Oma concept album was birthed. The public met Oma as part of the I Am (Song of The Earth) launch at Ceres Brunswick on Earth day 2017.
- Oma- The Call of Oma
- Photography Bhargav Boppa
- Beggar Woman movie dvd cover
- Beggar Woman Wails for the World of Woman
As visual artist her works have been featured donations for fundraisers for Spiritual Unity of the Tribes Inc the work Guardian Ancestors Say Look Hear! in 1988 as part of the sacred gatherings, and also for Friends of The Earth in support of indigenous solidarity the work Reconciliation is In Our Hands in 1997.
Other work as a visual artist has been in community arts work with children and some adults (wearing another hat).
Of late explorations of film and digital media and methods have become incorporated into her work. As time goes on; aspects of set design, costume making, and prop making have been explored and become necessary ‘to communicate’ the work. She dreams of one day having her own production company or at least working with a team!
One day she hopes to publish many years worth of poetry and prose and also collections of essays on various topics. Until then one can seek out her writing in her lyrics, poetry and prose featured in performance art.
Catherine’s previous arts engagements include work as a music & drama teacher and as a community artist with a focus on arts health.
‘The universe is vast and deep: we are no different in our capacity as creators; of the domain in time and space’.
Catherine Meeson – Phone : 0421 850 297