Women Who Rock In Music- I Am Woman Watch Me Roar- Taylar Paige

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‘I Am Woman Watch Me Roar’ is a detour into the collective musical landscape, inviting the shared voice of my comrades to express on theme. The title of this blog hearkens back the powerful 70’s anthem by Helen Reddy, and also evokes a sense of a powerful lioness defending her children and pride (double meaning). As we progress and share the voices of women I know in music, I am grateful for the response and resonance and the collective voice, it is certainly time to stand together. Now more then ever the world needs good music and the perspective of women storytellers.


Photo Electrum Photography

Briefly describe your role in Music? (eg songwriter producer dj, radio, manager, engineer, all rounder etc)

I am a singer-songwriter, guitarist, bassist and percussionist from Melbourne, Australia.

How long have you been engaged in your musical journey?

Music has always been a huge part of my life. From a young age I looked up to so many musicians and aspired to be one someday, though I struggled tremendously with confidence issues. I mustered up the courage to learn guitar and sing at the age of 17 and the rest is history.

In what ways has unconscious bias (sexism or other) affected you personally?

For some unknown and particularly odd reason- I never liked female singers. It’s completely hypocritical because I am one, but I guess all the musicians I looked up to as a child were male and I somehow convinced myself that a male voice sounds better. I also started my music career in the metal scene which is predominantly driven by males, so automatically I’m judged and seen to ‘not belong’.  It’s been a wonderful roller-coaster of a journey to truly find my voice and appreciate it for what it is and thus acknowledge the beauty of both a female and male voice in all music scenes.

What do you feel women need the most to thrive in the current social and musical climate?

Confidence, self-love and the unconditional support of other musicians. Women are quite quick to compare themselves to others and therefore focus on what they don’t have or what they can’t do. It’s imperative to acknowledge and love our differences- not compare them. [Amen to that- sisterhood is key].

Why are you sharing this video?

I am sharing the music video of my song ‘Mourning’ because of its pure violent and vulnerable energy. The dancers in this video personify sleep paralysis and lucid dreaming. The song plays on the exposure and helplessness one feels when in sleep paralysis. 

What has been the greatest obstacle you have had to overcome on your musical path?

Trusting who I am and not trying to be anyone else. Sometimes, if we want to ‘fit’ into a certain music scene, social group or community- we tend to mould ourselves according to what we think we should be- not who we truly are. I’ve learnt to be my complete self- regardless of what genre or music scene society will group me into.

What is unique about a women’s voice, and approach that is so desperately needed in music today?

The women’s voice is unique because of its capacity to be both angelic and light as well as fearless and violent.

Do you have any advise for young women or others in the early stages of their musical exploration/ journey?

Don’t quit! Music is an incredible, creative outlet that will help you discover so much about yourself and the world we live in.  

Website URL?


Social media Links

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/taylarpaige/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/taylarpaigemusic

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TaylarPaige

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/7l85AT7VvhPk3ZP57jWD0Y

Thank you Taylar, and a huge thank you and blessings to all my sisters who have thus far shared thoughts, I wish you every success. Together we are stronger. More to come soon from Elaine Nolan from Ireland, Marita Ryan, Melody Moon, Cheryl Jansen from the U.S A and many more.

Next Thursday 18th June  I am going to break up the series with a personal blog on

‘Self Production- the Feminine Voice’ and then we return to ‘I Am women Watch Me Roar’ Cath xx




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