Atmospherica slow orbit

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I officially have one track left to master and it is the last piece of a puzzle from 2009- to 2012 really. All works were composed within that period. A few of the tracks date back to the late 90’s Her story and What will it be, the track in question here. Maybe it’s a case of completion chaos, and avoidance, but it will be done. Atmopsherica is a call out,  a time traveling musical journey, it was going to have 12 tracks but now it will only have 11, I have culled The Vikings. The title track considers the human effect on the environment, lyrically, poetically,  I do hope you will like it, it will be available online by Winter solstice  through yet to be decided platforms. Expect a collection of cinematic type instrumental ambiance and sonic storytelling, expect some songs a bit more uptempo but still mellow enough to chill to, to expand your consciousness and give you good vibes. all for now, I think I’m starting to befriend wordpress! Once it is out all derivations and previous edits of trax online  will be removed, i.e Myspace,Youtube versions will remain for now,  Blessings all signing off from The Museletter!


Atmospherica at Renaissance Festival


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