Welcome to the next installment of ‘Woman Who Rock in Music- I Am Woman Watch Me Roar’.
This week we meet Jasmine Lynch principal of Melton Music a local music school run by a husband and wife team, with the philosophy of ‘Music at an affordable price’. Jasmine studied Bachelor of Music at NMIT and in 2010 opened her music school with Dave her husband with young children in tow. Jasmine has a passion for inclusion for people with disabilities and meeting students where they are at. The school offers lessons in all instruments and once Covid struck was quick to facilitate the school going online. Melton Music has won ‘Best Creative Industries’ award and ‘Best Access and Inclusion’ at the local Business Excellence awards. The school hosts individual and group music lessons, online and in the school, and prior to Covid had quarterly open mics and a mid year and end of year concert.
Introducing Jasmine Lynch
Briefly describe your role in Music? (eg songwriter producer dj, radio, manager, engineer, all rounder etc)
I am the owner/operator of Melton Music school. In this role I am a Music teacher/mentor, Vocal Coach, Principal and Events manager.
How long have you been engaged in your musical journey?
Going on 18 years now
In what ways has unconscious bias (sexism or other) affected you personally?
Honestly, it has strengthened my resolve. Being told something is impossible or that I can’t do it only drives me to keep going until I achieve what I’ve set out to do. I have never allowed myself to be defined by others. I know I am a unique individual and at this point it all washes over me “you’re just a girl” “you can’t open a music school now, you have a 3 year old and a newborn baby” at first were met with “I’ll show you” and now I don’t give them a second thought.
What do you feel women need the most to thrive in the current social and musical climate?
One word: Community. I can remember the first social group of like-minded woman I joined back in 2011. It was called “Woman in Business” We lifted each other up, encouraged one another, shared ideas, experiences and gave advise. We need to be collaborating together not seeing each other as competition. There is plenty of room in the Music industry for all of us. United as one we can achieve anything!
The Melton Music team at Business Excellence Awards
What has been the greatest obstacle you have had to overcome on your musical path?
My greatest obstacle has been financial, specifically budgeting and managing cash flow.
When you work for yourself, especially in this industry, there are a lot of unknowns you have to account for. In the beginning I was a bit naïve, not really knowing how much of my income to put aside for those unforeseen circumstances and unexpected opportunities.
I learned very quickly you have to be willing to admit the areas where you need help and then find the right person or course to turn those areas from weaknesses into strengths.
What is unique about a women’s voice, and approach that is so desperately needed in music today?
I have always believed men and women deserve equal voices in Music. We think differently than men, we have different strengths and weaknesses and insights. We ensure a more diverse and rich musical culture when we give equal value to both men and women’s voices in music.
Do you have any advise for young women or others in the early stages of their musical exploration/ journey?
Write out your vision for your musical journey, no matter how un-obtainable it might seem, then start planning out SMART goals: Specific – Measurable – Achievable – Relevant – Timebound. These goals will be the steps that will lead to your overall vision. Jasmine Lynch.
Melton Music is located on High st Melton, lessons run 3-8pm and bookings are always open. We can facilitate lessons in person at the school or remotely so it is open to anyone anywhere now. I am one of the teachers at the school doing voice, beginner piano and guitar. Thank you Jasmine, it’s a lovely community vibe with students of all ages and many different goals. You do an amazing job it’s a pleasure to work with you on all levels. There is so much research now about the benefits of learning to play music that there is no reason not to. Music is a totally holistic whole brain activity, great for well being on all levels. More about the therapeutic aspects of music another time.
My next blog will be a detour to promote Live electronic Musicians of Melbourne double album compilation which I contributed towards with a remix of a song called Paradigm and The Safety word did a remix of my tune from 2012ish Atmospherica, with only a few months left of 2020 I have a few more things to write about. Music is the Masterkey
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