To All my friends and supporters happy Earth Day. It is with great pleasure I unveil my ethereal electro orchestral anthem ‘I am song of the Earth’
I was able to speak about it on The Sustainable Hour talking about larger issues and connecting in with the Melbourne month long ‘Climacts festival’ which has the motto of Art+ Climate= change, last Wednesday. Climacts It is one of those serendipitous parallels that was unintended, I did not even know about it. I set to work creating my event on my own and calling out for help but loosely aligning with EarthDay official intentions.
The Sustainable Hour interview featuring scientists, New Zealand parliament, and other artists and show hosts here.
The Larger Melbourne Arts festival here
I would like to share a bit about the story of Oma that features in the film clip, below in the press release.
Due to international date and time lines, Bandcamp will most likely be the first place of release. Look out for it on iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, and streaming sites. You can purchase the work from me here- digital release only.
Here is the Video, Enjoy Earth Day- Join us at the launch tonight Ceres Learning Center Cnr Stewart and Roberts St East Brunswick Kids $5 Adults $10 Patrons $25 Starts 6.30 pm all details here