Who is this being called Grace?…..Grace is a character, whom only in the last week was named. She was responsible for doing a blessing for Acts Of Love Sacred Connections at Knox community Arts Centre. Her ‘Act of Love’ was both soundscape and prose followed by song, all mixed in with blessings and invocations to the divine mother for the healing of women and the world.
The Graces also relate to ancient Greek archetypal qualities, and daughters three of Zeus, personifications of beauty.
We are told grace is a state of divine dispensation where we receive – we bare into our soul – our cup; offerings.
The grail is a sacred symbol going back in many cultures, the Celtic legends of King Arthur, the cup that caught Christs blood as he was crucified; as is the bowl, chalice, cauldron etc. They are all symbols for the divine feminine. The Cup that receives, the cup that holds the waters essence-whether bitter or sweet, the offerings of life whether good or bad. The waters of life.
Grace overshadowed by White Tara and The Earth
Acts of Love was a collaborative journey whereby the women and men involved engaged in their own alchemical rites transforming the poisonous cup of concepts and stories of abuse, trauma and tragedy into hope healing and affirmations of the Sacred via their art form. Each year Anjali Sengupta and Embracing Spirit http://www.embracingspirit.net/with a collective of volunteer artists have offered events, (for the last three years) to raise funds for women. The first event in 2013 was the Goddess Within where I dressed as the Old Beggar Woman Crone in Beggar Woman Wails for the World of Women and also did a musical performance. You can check that out here from Doncaster Playhouse. Beggar Woman Wails for the World of Women- Doncaster Playhouse I was not involved last year. But both years were for benefit of the Art to Healing Project an innovative holistic and creative arts based transformational program run by Atira Tan helping the women of Asia reclaim their lives and dignity from sexual exploitation.
Acts of Love was organised by Anjali Sengupta of Aatma Dance Company and brought together diverse artists, of spoken word, song, performance art, many types of dance, circus, hoola hoop, martial arts, and visual arts to help raise awareness and generate dialogue around issues that affect women, sexual violence, abuse, domestic violence and trauma; not just in third world countries, but also in the west, where the shadows of social stigma and pain often prevent healing and recovery.
Video Coming soon.
Grace Raising the Bowl to receive blessings
Grace offered the following words-
In the beginning
was the womb
the spirit moved
over the waters of creation
and life was dreamed into being
Between Here and There
Head and Heart
Between Here and there
Womb and Heart
Between him and her
You and me
Us and them
Now and Then
Are the timeless threads
that bind all kind together.
In the creation of lives and culture
We weave our way
Many faces many stories
One and the same
Keeper of the grail
Bearer of Grace
© Catherine Meeson 2015