Leading up to releasing Atmospherica as a whole I offer the only other video I have made at this point, ‘Windcatcher Upon the Waves’ – a sail aboard a tall ship. I hope you enjoy it, I will let it speak for itself. It is the last track off Atmospherica, please share. Alas one cannot control wind or waves, despite the paradox of mans efforts, they be forces greater than ourselves, you’ll understand when you watch and listen.
Please note only the video is released at this point. Bandcamp will come soon.
Also featured is an article from Serious Wonder Online Magazine, in which the author draws parallels to OTGC and my Soundscape work calling me a “Electronic Soundscape artist” and Bjork’s amazing Biophilia, as a realization of a similar artistic vision guided by themes of environment and relation.- A work which I have just reviewed for Cyclic Defrost Magazine myself! Syncronicity abounds!
Healing Soundscapes: Music and Technology Reunite Humans with Nature